Endnotes: About the Northern Bering Sea

1 Ann Fienup-Riordan, ed. 2005. Yupiit Qanruyutait/Yup’ik Words of Wisdom. Transcriptions and Translation by Alice Rearden with Marie Meade. University of Nebraska Press. p. 89.

2 Conrad Oozeva, Chester Noongwook, George Noongwook, Christina Alowa and Igor Krupnik. 2004. Watching Ice and
 Weather Our Way. Edited by Igor Krupnik, Henry Huntington, Christopher Koonooka and George Noongwook. Washington, DC: Arctic Studies Center, Smithsonian Institute.

3 Ann Fienup-Riordan and Alice Rearden. 2010. “The Ice is Always Changing: Yup’ik Understandings of Sea ice, Past and Present.” In Igor Krupnik, Claudio Aporta, Shari Gearheard, Gita J. Laidler, Lene Kielsen Holm, eds. SIKU: Knowing Our Ice. Springer.

4 James Overland and Phyllis Stabeno. 2004. “Is the Climate of the Bering Sea Warming and Affecting the Ecosystem?” EOS 85(33): 309-316.

5 Franz Mueter, Michael Litzow and Robert Lauth. 2010. “Spatial Distribution of Groundfish Stocks in the Bering
Sea.” In S. Zador and S. Gaichas, eds. SAFE 2010, Appendix C, Ecosystem Considerations for 2011. Alaska Fisheries Science Center. pp.124-127.

6 Ibid.

7 Phyllis Stabeno, Ed Farley, Nancy Kachel, Sue Moore, Calvin Mordy, Jeffrey Napp, James Overland, Alexei Pinchuk and Michael Sigler. 2012. “A Comparison of the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of the Northeastern and Southeastern Bering Sea Shelf.” Deep Sea Research II 65-70: 31-45.

8 J.M. Grebmeier and K.H. Dunton. 2000. “Benthic Processes in the Northern Bering/Chukchi Seas: Status and Global Change.” In "Impacts of Changes in Sea Ice and Other Environmental Parameters in the Arctic." Report of the Marine Mammal Commission Workshop in Girdwood, Alaska. pp. 61-71.

9 James R. Lovvorn, Jacqueline M. Grebmeier, Lee W. Cooper, Joseph K. Bump, and Samantha E. Richman. 2009. “Modeling Marine Protected Areas for Threatened Eiders in a Climatically Changing Bering Sea.” Ecological Applications 19: 1596-1613.

10 Vera Alexander. “Why is the Bering Sea important?” http:// www.beringclimate.noaa.gov/essays (Accessed Mar. 1, 2010).

11 Elders—Gambell. Jan. 12, 2010. Group interview for Bering Sea Elders Group.

12 Allan Sagoonick—Unalakleet. Jan. 6, 2010. Interview for Bering Sea Elders Group.

13 Edward Shavings—Mekoryuk. Sep. 24, 2009. Interview for Bering Sea Elders Group.

14 Joseph David—Mekoryuk. Sep. 23, 2009. Interview for Bering Sea Elders Group.

15 David Bill, Sr.—Toksook Bay. Jul. 17, 2009. Interview for Bering Sea Elders Group.

16 Conrad Oozeva, Chester Noongwook, George Noongwook, Christina Alowa and Igor Krupnik. 2004. Watching Ice and Weather Our Way. Edited by Igor Krupnik, Henry Huntington, Christopher Koonooka and George Noongwook. Arctic Studies Center, Smithsonian Institute. Washington, DC. p. 59.

17 Elders—Gambell. Jan. 12, 2010. Group interview for Bering Sea Elders Group.

18 Elders and Active Hunters—Savoonga. Jan. 14, 2010. Group interview for Bering Sea Elders Group.

19Henry Huntington, George Noongwook, Chad Jay, Bruce Marcot and Caleb Pungowiyi. Sep. 18, 2009. Unpublished notes from a Savoonga interview for the Local & Traditional Knowledge component of the Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program (BSIERP).

20 Steven Billy—Chefornak. Aug. 28, 2009. Interview for Bering Sea Elders Group.

21 Igor Krupnik, ed. 2003. “Pacific Walrus: Conserving our Culture through Traditional Management.” Eskimo Walrus Commission. p. 25.

22 John Pingayak—Chevak. Sep. 2, 2009. Interview for Bering Sea Elders Group.

23 Florence Fetterer, K. Knowles, W. Meier, and M. Savoie. 2002, updated 2011. Sea Ice Index. National Snow and Ice Data Center. Digital media.

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Tue, 01/19/2016