1 Henry Huntington and Nikolai Mymrin. 1996. “Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Beluga Whales: An Indigenous Knowledge Pilot Project in the Chukchi and Northern Bering Seas.” Inuit Circumpolar Conference. p. 61.
2 Paul John—Toksook Bay. Jul. 17, 2009. Interview for Bering Sea Elders Group.
3 Clement Ungott—Gambell. Jan. 13, 2010. Interview for Bering Sea Elders Group.
4 Alice Pitka—Toksook Bay. Jul. 17, 2009. Interview for Bering Sea Elders Group.
5 Elders—Gambell. Jan. 12, 2010. Group interview for Bering Sea Elders Group.
6 Igor Krupnik, ed. 2003. “Pacific Walrus: Conserving our Culture through Traditional Management.” Eskimo Walrus Commission. p. 52.
7 Elders & Active Hunters—Stebbins. Feb. 5, 2010. Group interview for Bering Sea Elders Group.
8 Wally Otton—Koyuk. Oct. 14, 2011. Interview for Bering Sea Elders Group.
9 Igor Krupnik, ed. “Pacific Walrus: Conserving our Culture through Traditional Management.” Eskimo Walrus Commision. p. 16.
10 George Noongwook, The Native Village of Savoonga, The Native Village of Gambell, Henry P. Huntington and John C. George. 2007. “Traditional Knowledge of the Bowhead Whale (Balaena mysticetus) around St. Lawrence Island, Alaska.” Arctic 60(1). p. 48.