Stories & Events

Stories & Events

Environmental change in the Arctic over recent decades is increasingly at the center of international interest and debate. ELOKA works at the intersection between Indigenous Knowledge and scientific expertise as complementary and reinforcing ways of understanding the Arctic system and how it is changing over time. By working together, Arctic residents and researchers can make significant contributions to a deeper understanding of the Arctic and the social and environmental changes ongoing in the region. Read about ELOKA research, collaborations and events.


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ELOKA Update

​2012 Stories

November 2012

Semantic Sea Ice Interoperability Initiative

From November 7 to 9, Heidi McCann, Peter Pulsifer, and Mark Parsons of the ELOKA team participated in a workshop: "Representing and sharing knowledge

The ELOKA Program is generously supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation through awards OPP-1554271, OPP-1549912, and OPP-1546038