The shape for Total Subsistence Use Area is partly made up of Cenaliulriit CRSA data that represents all marine mammals collectively.
Central Yup’ik: Naciq
St. Lawrence Island Yupik: Nazighaq
Inupiaq: Natchiq
Scientific: Phoca hispida
Ringed seals are the only ones that stay on the main [shorefast] ice. Hardly ever see them on the floating ice.29Elders and Active Hunters (after group discussion)—Elim
Ringed seals are the most common and widespread of the arctic seals.30 Found throughout the Bering, Beaufort and Chukchi seas, they are strongly associated with both seasonal and permanent ice. Ringed seals use the ice for resting, pupping and molting. They rarely come onto land.31 Breeding usually occurs on the shorefast ice, but some breed near the drifting pack ice.32
Ringed seals are capable of maintaining breathing holes in shorefast ice more than 2 meters (6 feet) thick.33 When breathing holes become covered in snow and large drifts, the seals enlarge the holes into subnivean (under snow) lairs, which vary greatly in size and can be multi-chambered. Lairs protect vulnerable pups from frigid air and predators. Individuals or pairs commonly occupy two lairs simultaneously, which allows them to increase the area that they utilize for feeding. A ringed seal using multiple lairs can occupy an area of at least 64 kilometers2 (24 miles2).34
Ringed seals feed on small crustaceans, zooplankton and schooling fish.35