ELOKA Spotlight

Pew marine fellowship

ELOKA scientist Shari Fox has been named a Pew fellow in marine conservation in 2019. Fox is one of eight fellowship recipients chosen from around the world. Each fellow receives $150,000 for a three-year project related to ocean conservation. Fox's fellowship relates to Pikialasorsuaq (North Water Polynya). Each spring, this polynya forms between Canada and Greenland. Plankton blooms in this polynya are the basis for the food chain of marine species and the Inuit communities that rely on those species. Climate change and growing industrial activities both encroach upon this polynya.

Shari Fox working with hunters and elders
Shari Fox's research involves spending time on the ice with hunters and elders. — Credit: Pew Trust

Fox will work with Inuit communities to better understand Pikialasorsuaq and how to manage it in the future. 

The ELOKA Program is generously supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation through awards OPP-1554271, OPP-1549912, and OPP-1546038