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Cillaput: Our Weather, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Weather Station Network
Cillaput: Our Weather provides access to current weather conditions in the villages of Chevak and Kotlik located in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region of western Alaska. Measurements include air temperature, humidity, wind speed, snow depth, rainfall, solar radiation, and soil and surface temperatures. The weather stations were established in November 2017 and are running continuously.
Evenki Atlas
This Atlas focuses on sharing the knowledge, wisdom, and culture of one of the Indigenous Nations of Siberia, Russian Federation, the Evenki, who live in Iyengra, Russia, and the surrounding taiga.
Koyukuk River Traditional Place Names Atlas
The Koyukuk River Traditional Place Names Atlas is an online atlas used to collect and preserve the rich knowledge and culture of the Koyukon people of Alaska, the traditional place names, and subsistence use areas along the Koyukuk River from the villages of Koyukuk, Huslia, and Hughes.
Local Observations from the Seasonal Ice Zone Observing Network (SIZONet) and Alaska Arctic Observatory & Knowledge Hub (AAOKH)
This data set contains observations of sea ice, weather, and wildlife collected by Indigenous Inupiaq and Yup'ik sea ice experts in several communities along the northern and western coasts of Alaska, beginning in 2006. This information is generously shared with the public by the observers and the communities within which the observers reside.
Nunaput: Our Land, Community Atlas for Chevak, Alaska
The Nunaput Atlas is a community-driven, interactive, online atlas for the Chevak (Alaska) Traditional Council and Chevak community members to create a record of observations, knowledge, and to share stories about their land. The Nunaput Atlas is being developed in collaboration with the community and the US Geological Survey.
Building from the development of the Alaska Arctic Observatory & Knowledge Hub (AAOKH) community observations platform, the PISUNA-Net observations database was developed to record, archive, and share Indigenous and local knowledge and expertise on natural resources and resource use on the western and northern coasts of Greenland. Observations begin in May 2009 through the present.
Silalirijiit Project: Kangiqtugaapik (Clyde River), Nunavut, Canada, Weather Station Network
Yup'ik Environmental Knowledge Project
Explore Yup'ik environmental knowledge of their land, named places, maps, language and values.
Since 2000, the Calista Elders Council (CEC) staff has worked with elders from Bering Sea coastal communities to document Yup'ik place names. Elders have been eager to teach young people their rich history and named places of their homeland, including camp and settlement sites, rivers, sloughs, rocks, ponds, even sandbars and underwater channels. More than 3,000 names have been identified with Yup'ik views on the importance of place names, the land, values, and language.
Yup'ik Environmental Knowledge Project Atlas
Since 2000, Calista Education and Culture (CEC) has worked with elders from the Alaskan communities of Kotlik, Emmonak, Alakanuk, Nunam Iqua, Newtok, Tununak, Toksook Bay, Nightmute, Chefornak, Kwigillingok, and Kongiganak to document Yup'ik place names.
Atlas of Community-Based Monitoring: Inuit Mental Health and Wellness
This module of the Atlas of Community-Based Monitoring in a Changing Arctic (ArcticCBM) offers an inventory of programs that focus on Inuit mental health and wellness across the circumpolar region. It is based on programs identified by the Inuit Circumpolar Council Canada (ICC-Canada) in its Circumpolar Inuit Health Priorities: Best Health Practices and Research report (2012), as well as additional mental health and wellness programs identified in 2014 and 2015.