The Bering Sea Sub Network Phase 2
Geographic Area
Russian Federation
United States (Alaska)
Community-based monitoring
Indigenous knowledge
Wildlife management & animal husbandry
Wildlife observations
ELOKA Data Types
Local observations


The Bering Sea Sub Network is a collaborative alliance of fishers and hunters from coastal villages around the Bering Sea and researchers formed to enable a systematic collection of local observations of physical, biological, and socioeconomic conditions in their regions. 

ELOKA is developing a system to ingest and manage these sensitive data with a structure designed to allow user-based controlled access.

This product is not available to the public

ELOKA is generously supported by the US National Science Foundation through awards 2032423, 2032417, 2032419, and 2032445. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.