Baffin Bay Region Narwhal Research

The information on this project site was collected from 2000-2010.

Interviews with hunters

Harvard researcher Martin Nweeia interviewed 55 elders and hunters from Inuit communities in Canada and Greenland. Each interviewee contributed knowledge that helped Nweeia and his fellow researchers understand the purpose of the narwhal's tusk. Interviews are conducted in several dialects of both Inuktitut and Greenlandic, but are conducted with the aid of an English translator.

Photo collage of Narwhal Research Project participants
Photo collage of Narwhal Research Project participants — Credit: Narwhal Tusk Research Project/ELOKA

To load english captions, click on the three dots in the bottom right corner of each video and turn on the captions.

Cornelius Nutarak Interview

Location: Pond Inlet, Canada 
Date: 4 June 2010

Keywords: Narwhal behavior, narwhal migration, tusk differences, beluga whales, differences between male and female narwhals, qirnajuktat, uses of tusk, tusk length, tusk size, double tusks, niksiulangata avataaniinginnaqtuq, qaulluvisat, arnanngaliit, hunting.

Elisapee Ootova

Location: Pond Inlet,Canada
Date: 4 June 2010

Keywords: Narwhal behavior, narwhal migration, tusk differences, differences between male and female narwhals, uses of tusk, tusk length, tusk size, double tusks, tiggak, arnarluk, ugiuqu, hunting.

Ikey Kigutikakjuk

Location: Arctic Bay, Canada
Date: 4 June 2010

Keywords: Narwhal behavior, narwhal migration, tusk differences, differences between male and female narwhals, qirnajuktat, uses of tusk, tusk length, tusk size, double tusks, hunting.

Jayko Peterloosie

Location: Pond Inlet, Canada
Date: 4 June 2010

Keywords: Narwhal behavior, narwhal migration, tusk differences, beluga whales, differences between male and female narwhals, qirnajuktat, uses of tusk, tusk length, tusk size, double tusks, niksiulangata avataaniinginnaqtuq, qaulluvisat, arnanngaliit, hunting.

Jaypeetee Qarpik

Pangnirtung, Canada
4 June 2010

Narwhal behavior, narwhal migration, tusk differences, differences between male and female narwhals, qirnajuktat, uses of tusk, tusk length, tusk size, double tusks, hunting.

Joanasie M 

Location: Pangnirtung, Canada
Date: 4 June 2010

Keywords: Narwhal behavior, narwhal migration, tusk differences, differences between male and female narwhals, qirnajuktat, uses of tusk, tusk length, tusk size, double tusks, hunting.

Lisha Levi

Location: Arctic Bay, Canada
Date: 4 June 2010

Keywords: Narwhal behavior, narwhal migration, tusk differences, differences between male and female narwhals, qirnajuktat, uses of tusk, tusk length, tusk size, double tusks, hunting.

Mucktar Akumalik

Location: Arctic Bay, Canada
Date: 4 June 2010

Keywords: Narwhal behavior, narwhal migration, tusk differences, differences between male and female narwhals, qirnajuktat, uses of tusk, tusk length, tusk size, double tusks, hunting.

Peteroosie Qappik

Pangnirtung, Canada
4 June 2010

Narwhal behavior, narwhal migration, tusk differences, differences between male and female narwhals, qirnajuktat, uses of tusk, tusk length, tusk size, double tusks, hunting.

Ragelee Arnaquq

Location: Broughton Island, Canada
Date: 4 June 2010

Keywords: Narwhal behavior, narwhal migration, tusk differences, differences between male and female narwhals, qirnajuktat, uses of tusk, tusk length, tusk size, double tusks, hunting.

Seetee Nattiapik

Location: Broughton Island, Canada
Date: 4 June 2010

Keywords: Narwhal behavior, narwhal migration, tusk differences, differences between male and female narwhals, qirnajuktat, uses of tusk, tusk length, tusk size, double tusks, hunting.

ELOKA is generously supported by the US National Science Foundation through awards 2032423, 2032417, 2032419, and 2032445. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.