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Atlas of Community-Based Monitoring in a Changing Arctic (Arctic CBM)
This atlas showcases Arctic communities actively involved in observing social and environmental change. It was designed to highlight the many community-based monitoring (CBM) and traditional knowledge (TK) initiatives across the circumpolar region.
Baffin Bay Region Narwhal Tusk Research
Indigenous Foods Knowledges Network
The Indigenous Foods Knowledges Network is interested in ethically collecting, sharing, accessing, and visualizing data and documented Indigenous Knowledge to address food sovereignty. The core network members are Indigenous people, supported by researchers with a similar vision. They focus on two regions—the Arctic and the US Southwest—to broaden perspectives and build collaborations to offer personal experiences for food sovereignty in these regions.
Plants at the End of the World: Beringian Ethnobotany
This site includes a visual catalog of Beringian plants accompanied by information about the traditional ways people in Western Alaska and Chukotka, Russia, use plants for food medicine and other purposes.
Sea Ice in the Belcher Islands, Nunavut, Canada
The Northern Bering Sea: Our Way of Life
The purpose of The Northern Bering Sea: Our Way of Life is to show extensive areas where Alaska Native hunters and local fishermen harvest ocean resources, and the marine waters important to the resources we rely on. It illustrates that the whole northern Bering Sea is the storehouse that supports our way of life.
Voices from the Frontlines of a Changing Bering Sea
The Bering Sea is home to over 70 Indigenous communities of the Iñupiat, Central Yup’ik, Cup’ik, St. Lawrence Island Yupik, Unangan, and Chukchi Peoples. In recent years, the Bering Sea has experienced unprecedented declines in sea ice, threatening community food security, infrastructure, and travel. In winters 2018 and 2019, sea ice coverage was by far the lowest observed in at least the last 160 years.
Waking the Bear: Understanding Circumpolar Bear Ceremonialism
When the Weather is Uggianaqtuq: Inuit Observations of Environmental Change
In this interactive, multi-media CD-ROM, Inuit from two Inuit communities in Nunavut, Canada, share their observations and perspectives on recent environmental changes.